Hello world!

The Hello World post is the default sample post on any new WordPress site. I was about to delete this post, that’s what most people do when they launch a new website. But then I thought the title is apt, Hello World.

Despite being in existence forever, we rarely see a post in the media about a bootstrapped entrepreneur or company. All we hear is, who got funded. And the world celebrates the funding. (Most of those businesses die within the next 2 years by the way.) But rarely do you see a post celebrating a bootstrapped business. (Even if they have been in existence for decades.)

Each time I deliver a talk at a college/university on entrepreneurship, I always ask this question, “do you know what is a bootstrapped business?” In a room full of wannabe entrepreneurs, I have rarely seen a hand or two go up.

So clearly, Bootstrapping needs an introduction. And hence, Hello World!

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